New Health Insurance Rules: Must Know!

IRDAI introduces new rules for faster, hassle-free health insurance claims. All entitlements are now in a single master circular.

Faster Claim Processing

Insurers must grant final authorization within 3 hours of receiving the discharge request from hospitals to ensure a seamless claim process.

Emergency Claims

For emergency cases, insurers must decide on cashless authorizations within one hour to expedite claim settlements.

100% Cashless Claims

Insurers should aim for 100% cashless claim settlement, with help desks in hospitals to assist with requests.

Wider Choices for Policies

Policyholders can choose products, add-ons, and riders that cater to diverse needs, including different medical conditions and treatments.

No Claim Bonus Options

Policyholders can choose to increase their sum insured or receive a premium discount as a No Claim Bonus if no claims are made during the policy period.

Quick Claim Settlements

In the event of a policyholder's death during treatment, insurers must process claims immediately and release the body from the hospital.