Vedanta Planning for Demerger

Vedanta plans to spin off businesses in a major overhaul, aiming to tackle its debt challenge.  Read More>>

Debt Concerns Loom

With substantial bonds due next year, Vedanta grapples with rising debt costs, prompting the urgent need for a corporate overhaul

Business Segment Split

Aluminium, oil and gas, iron ore, and steel businesses will be separately listed, while Vedanta Resources will remain the holding company

Complex Corporate Structure

Vedanta faces challenges related to its intricate corporate structure and pledged stock in cash-generating units like Hindustan Zinc

Debt Pressure Persists

Vedanta's debt woes persist, with bonds trading below 75 cents on the dollar, leading to ratings downgrades by Moody's

Market Response

Vedanta Ltd. shares gained 2% in the early hours, signalling investor interest in the restructuring, while Hindustan Zinc shares experienced a slight decline

Streamlined Future

Streamlining operations may allow Vedanta to shed unprofitable assets and focus on newer ventures, such as semiconductors and display glass
